
Great vision without great people is irrelevant
—Jim Collins

Startify makes sure you have great people.

Here's what we do:​​

  • determine the number and type of human resources needed
  • identify roles and responsibilities, and corresponding titles 
  • prepare job descriptions that ensure the best match
  • place advertisements on free job boards
  • screen and recruit potential candidates
  • interview potential candidates
  • schedule interviews between you and finalists
  • prepare contracts and letters of engagement
  • ​prepare onboarding materials

Startify will prepare your...

  1. We determine the type and number of key human resources needed to get your company up and running; and identify roles and responsibilities and corresponding titles for your industry or sector. Initially, to save you money, we aim for a jack-of-all trades. Later on, this might entail customer service, administrative, support, marketing and/or business development roles.
    Job Positions
  2. We prepare detailed job descriptions that delineate roles and responsibilities, and enumerate qualifications, experience and other required credentials.
    Job Descriptions
  3. We open free job boards for your business, and post and monitor positions. We also provide a brief summary of your new business in the job posts to provide context and introduce perspective candidates to your company. We also direct them to your website and social media sites.
    Job Postings

and conduct your candidate...

  1. We screen potential candidates, first by using pre-established filters and automated phone screen assessments; and then by carefully reviewing each resume and work samples. Once the screen process is complete, we recruit five or six of the best matches and set up preliminary interviews.
  2. We interview five or six of the best candidates either via an online conferencing system (e.g., zoom, Skype) or in person. In person interviews are charged a higher fee. We then select two or three finalist to be interviewed by you, and provide you with their resumes, work samples, phone assessment, and our interview notes.

and handle your new hire...

  1. We help you onboard your new hires by preparing contracts or letters of engagement, and onboarding materials such as an Employee Handbook. We also create new hire emails and other needed accounts, like project management.
  2. In some cases, we train new hires, contingent upon our expertise in your industry. Typically, this would apply to entry or mid-level employees or consultants.