Price is what you pay
Value is what you get
—Warren Buffet


Startify wants you to get the most value for what you pay...

And have priced our services accordingly.

You have the choice of:

  • four discounted packages
  • al la carte pricing; or
  • a 15% discount for purchasing all the services of any one Step

For Nonprofit Services, please click on arrow below .

Discounted Packages

Starter Kit


Step 2: Business Ideas; Web Host; Business/Doman Name

Step 3: Business Structure; Registration; EIN; Incorporation

Step 7: eCommerce

Does not include Business Plan

$293 savings

Fast Forward


Step 2: 5-page Business Plan

Step 3: Business Structure; Registration; EIN; Incorporation

Step 4: Theme; Colors; Slogans; Messaging

Step 7: eCommerce; eAccounting

$890 savings

Full Throttle


Step 2: Business Ideas; Web Host; Business/Doman Name; 5-page Business Plan

Step 3: Structure; Registration; EIN; Incorporation

Step 4: Theme; Colors; Slogans; Messaging

Step 5: Website

Step 6: Messaging; eMarketing; Social Media Marketing; SEO

Step 7: Pricing, Packaging and Deliverable Plans; eCommerce; eAccounting

$4,578 savings

High Gear


Step 2: Business Ideas; Web Host; Business/Doman Name; 5-page Business Plan

Step 3: Business Structure; Registration; EIN; Incorporation

Step 4: Theme; Colors

Step 6: Messaging; eMarketing; Social Media Marketing; SEO

Step 7: Pricing, Packaging and Deliverable Plans; eCommerce; eAccounting

$1,082, savings
  1. Step 2: Conceive

Heading 3

  1. $99.00
    Create business concept or idea.
    Business Idea
  2. $99.00
    Provide recommendations of web hosts; open account. Does not include cost of web host.
    Web Host Selection
  3. $99.00
    Select best business name, and obtain a domain name for your website. Does not include cost of domain name.
    Business/Domain Name
  4. $999.00
    Develop 5-page business (launch) plan.
    Business Plan: 5 Pages
  5. $4999.00
    Develop 10-page business (launch) plan.
    Business Plan: 10 Pages
This is a stand-alone item and cost is not added in the total
  1. TOTAL $1,696
    Get STEP 2 for
  1. Step 3: Legalize

Heading 3

  1. $199.00
    Identify a structure that is right for your business
    Business Structure
  2. $99.00
    Register your Doing Business As (DBA) name.
    Business Registration
  3. $99.00
    Obtain your Employer Identification Number (EIN).
    Business EIN
  4. $299.00
    Obtain your business license or permit.
    Business License
  5. $99.00
    File appropriate paperwork to incorporate.
    Business Incorporation
  1. TOTAL $795
    Get STEP 3 for
  1. Step 4: Brand

Heading 3

  1. $99.00
    Create business theme.
  2. $99.00
    Create unique color pallet to complement theme.
  3. $499.00
    Design eye-catching logos that provide brand recognition.
  4. $499.00
    Develop slogans and taglines for brand recognition.
  5. $499.00
    Create customized, targeted messaging.
  6. $999.00
    Create video animations that tell your story.
  1. TOTAL $2,694
    Get STEP 4 for
  1. TOTAL $8,192
    Establish Nonprofit for
  1. Step 5: Build

Heading 3

  1. $6999.00
    Build 5-page customized website. This includes design, content and interface.
  2. $2999.00
    Design or redesign visual stunning websites. This is for design development alone.
    Web Design
  3. $2999.00
    Create compelling and customized messaging. This is for content creation alone.
    Web Content
  4. $999.00
    Create intuitive, easy to navigate websites. This is for interface creation alone.
    Web Interface
  5. $999.00
    Conduct user tests of website for navigability and design. This is for user testing alone.
    User Testing
  6. $999.00
    Design mobile apps. This can be for existing or new websites.
    Mobile App Design
No user testing.
This is a stand-alone item and cost is not added in the total
This is a stand-alone item and cost is not added in the total
  1. TOTAL $7,996
    Get STEP 5 for
  1. Step 6: Market

Heading 3

  1. $499.00
    Create persuasive brand strategies and messaging.
    Go-to-Market Messaging
  2. $499.00
    Create and execute email and other marketing strategies.
  3. $499.00
    Create and execute social media marketing strategies.
    Social Media Marketing
  4. $499.00
    Optimize google and other search engine rankings.
  1. TOTAL $1,996
    Get STEP 6 for
  1. Step 7: Sell

Heading 3

  1. $499.00
    Establish competitive pricing plan for products and services.
    Pricing Plan
  2. $499.00
    Package products and services for competitive pricing.
    Packaging Plan
  3. $499.00
    Delineate and describe service deliverables.
    Deliverables Plan
  4. $99.00
    Set up eCommerce services or online store.
    eCommerce Set Up
  5. $99.00
    Set up eAccounting services or online accounting system.
    eAccounting Set Up
  1. TOTAL $1,695
    Get STEP 7 for
  1. Step 8: Hire

Heading 3

  1. $499.00
    Determine type and number of Human Resources needed. Priced per service.
    Position Identification
  2. $199.00
    Prepare detailed descriptions of positions. Priced per position.
    Job Descriptions
  3. $99.00
    Open free job board account and post positions. Priced per position.
    Job Postings
  4. $99.00
    Screen and recruit potential candidates. Priced per candidate.
    Screen & Recruit
  5. $99.00
    Conduct interviews with potential candidates. Priced per interview.
  6. $499.00
    On-Board new hires. Priced per hire.
  7. $99.00
    Train new hires. Priced per hour.
  1. TOTAL $1,593
    Get STEP 8 for
The cost of hire for ONE position.
  1. Step 9: Operate

Heading 3

  1. $99.00
    Select and set up project management software. Does not include cost of software.
    Project Management Set Up
  2. $499.00
    Analyze and identify in-demand products and services. Priced per report.
    Product Development Analysis
  3. $99.00
    Set up free eCommerce software.
    eCommerce Set Up
  4. $99.00
    Set up free eAccounting software.
    eAccounting Set Up
  5. $999.00
    Assess and identify potential clients or customers. Priced per report.
    Business Development Assessment
  6. $299.00
    Hire and train customer service representatives Priced per rep.
    Customer Service Assistance
  1. TOTAL $2,094
    Get STEP 9 for