
If you build it, they will come
—Field of Dreams

Traffic will come to your site—make it repeat traffic.

Your website may be the first contact customers have with you, so it
pays to get it right.  

Too many sites are poorly designed, difficult to navigate and confusing
to read.

Important facts about your business should be readily accessible.

Don’t make visitors work hard to find what they need, or present them with partial or ambiguous information. 

Let your website reflect the type of customer service you plan to provide.

Have Startify build your...

  1. We build websites in one of three ways: 1) coding an original website; 2) creating an original website using a web host tool; and 3) modifying and building on the code or content of an existing website (e.g., WordPress, etc.). For original sites, clients have the option of one-page scrolling site or up to five separate pages per client specifications, which may include: Home; About; Services or Products; Work or Testimonials or Portfolio; and Contact. Pages can be added for an additional fee.

  1. We design mobile apps for startups and businesses. We also build mobile-first responsive websites.
    Mobile App Design

or develop​​​​​​  your...

  1. We take great care to design visually stunning websites, customized to intrinsically represent our clients and their services or products. Using the latest design innovations we artfully incorporate products, images, videos, animations, logos, icons and color schemes.
    Web Design
  2. We also take great care to create conceptually compelling websites that offer messaging and content that effectively market products or services, and target specific customers, clientele or other audiences. Moreover, we facilitate SEO so that your new website will be ranked at the top of a Google search.
    Web Content
  3. We create common sense interfaces that are intuitive and easy to navigate. Using UI/UX research and design practices, we ensure users understand how to interact with and navigate client websites.
    Web Interface

a​nd conduct​  your...

  1. We conduct user tests of websites using A/B or other tests: for existing sites, before updates or modifications, and then again after updates or modifications; and for original sites, after building, and before and/or after publishing.
    User Testing