
To conceive the good is not sufficient
it must be made to succeed among men
—Ernest Renan


Whether you’ve had an idea for a business for years,
      and just haven’t been able to get it started


Have absolutely no idea what you’d like to do,
    but relish the notion of starting your own business

Startify will develop your...

  1. Do you know what you enjoy doing, but just don’t know how to turn it into a business idea or how to earn income from it?—We can help with this. We transform hobbies, passions, causes and crusades into viable business ideas. We do not promise, however, that they will be profitable; that will be entirely up to you. We also assess business ideas for viability and offer recommendations.
    Business Idea (Assessment)
  2. We recommend a topnotch web host for you—one that is both inexpensive and offers a comprehensive suite of inclusive services, such as e-marketing, e-commerce, google ads, Weebly and Wordpress, among other free credits or features. Full disclosure: we do not receive remuneration for our recommendations.
    Web Host Selection

And select your

  1. Typically these are one and the same, but we will help you identify the perfect name for your business, as well as obtain a domain name for your website. We don’t guarantee a .com, but if you’re open to other domain extensions (and there are now dozens to choose from), it’s likely you’ll get your preferred name. We will also help you migrate an existing domain name to a new web host if desired.
    Business Domain Name
  2. We prepare abbreviated 5-page plans and detailed 10-page plans. Both plans include as needed:1.Business Organization; 2 Services and/or Product; 3 Clients/Customers/Market; 4 Market Outlook; 5 Competitive Analysis; 6 Financial Strategy; 7 Marketing; 8 eCommerce; 9 Operations; 10 Management.
    Business (Launch) Plan